Friday, August 20, 2010

Letter through the crack in the wall

Inspired by Kayley Hyde and Charlie McDonnell

Dear future Jennifer

As you write this, you're nervous about next Monday (8/23/2010) because according to lots of people it is going to be the most important day of the year.  It's the day that you'll stand up in front of a bunch of 16 and 17 year old strangers for the first time and tell them what to expect in chemistry class.  If you remember the days leading up to that particular day it was hard for you to imagine that life moved past that calendar square circled in red.  Time approached it assymptotically.  (yes, you used to occasionally make up words, remember?) But, it must have, or you wouldn't be reading this.

I'd like to think that you're still a teacher at age 34, and that you're preparing for a new set of kids right now.  I don't know if you'll still be at LHS, because right now this area doesn't feel much like home.  You still rely on your GPS to get anywhere, and your car still sports PA plates.  The pay is better back home, so maybe it would make sense.  I don't have a full appreciation for money just yet.

Maybe by now you can play Fantasie Impromptu.  Not just the middle section, but the entire thing.  I also hope you can cook.  At this point in your life you relied a lot on cereal, sandwiches, and microwave dinners.  Stop that.

I wonder if your hair has started to turn gray.  If it has, it's not the end of the world.  You got Mom's genes, and those are generally good things to have.  If it hasn't begun, you probably won't go gray until your late fifties, so congratulations!

I don't picture you with a husband and kids, although a lot can change in ten years.  Who nows.  Right now dating is far from a priority for you, and it hasn't been for about a year.  Just don't settle for anyone, okay?

Ha, I just scared away Ernest the Cat, who likes to sneak into Dick and Judy's house and eat Bessie's food.  That was entertaining.

Stay frosty!

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